When you don’t see what others do


So, the most difficult thing happened to me this week. I was chastised because there is a blind spot that I still have not seen about myself. Change is extremely hard at this time because you see only what you want to see…. Medicine has changed in the direction where people cannot provide quality care for their patients anymore in one visit. The goal is getting quantity over quality for the longest time. I’ve heard that the new way of healthcare would like to promote quality over quantity, but I have yet to see this change.

Everyone wanted me to change to their style of work so that I could be more efficient. It’s not that I haven’t reflected on that, but I’m so slow to change. I was however, in complete utter shock when my boss went at me for 20 minutes straight.

I was dumped the most difficult of patients who require a lot of attention and care. I believe, I am really blessed though because God wants me to take care of them and at the same time they will come back more often to see me. It’s the type of relationship that I’ve been praying for. So why should I complain?

……. I suppose I just want to be treated well, and be talked to in less demeaning way. I am just another human being after all. In my heart there’s still a glimmer of hope that medicine still has compassion for mankind, it doesn’t matter if you’re a patient or just another healthcare provider.

Despite all these workshops and lectures out there discussing “BURN OUT”, do people not realize we aren’t physically burnt from overworking, but it’s really the fact that there are stressors and inputs from every direction that drive to emotional  and morale burn out? These are really the main reasons for job dissatisfaction. For people to become overwhelmed and depressed for no reason. It’s constructive if it builds a person, … not demoralize them.



Thank God, I found my resilience in the one promise I made to myself: that I would treat my patients with the most respect and give them the best care that I can do within my own limitations.


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